Thursday, September 30, 2010

Letter 6

Hi, Sweetie,

It's me, your hubby. I wanted to let you know how things are going in this joint. We all got hard core IT (intense trained) last night as a division. We didn't do too great on our inspection. But, I guess it could have been worse.

Anyways, today was great. We had study time, we talked to each other, I went to the dentist to finish my tooth work. Yep. I got a tooth work done. Are you surprised? Basically the messed up teeth that I have are recurrently giving up. So they fixed it. I found out that insurance doesn't kick in until I'm out of boot camp. I hope you still have your insurance valid. Have you heard anything about my family yet? You could buy a calling card and call them.

I wanna know how's work going? Are you spending time with your parents or just at home with the kiddos?

I'm talking to people about what to expect in boot camp in the coming weeks. I found out that we are getting issued some cool uniforms. A white kind and a dark blue or black Navy uniform. It's gonna be awesome to get them. I'm looking forward to that. I like clothes, you know it, and this is, you know, military clothes. Even cooler.

I'm tired. I need to get some rest. Reveille is at 0500. Almost every day. I'm looking forward to calling you this week or next week, whenever they let us do it. Love you guys a lot...muuuuua.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Letter 5

Dang, I got night security watch so I decided to write something to you really quick. I'm sorry if my last letters don't make too much sense. I wrote them quick, and I don't have time to correct them or clean them, so don't send the wrong message to your little red-head.

Hey, if you want, you can send me a letter every other day so I get letters more often, just write me something small or whatever, we still have a few days (37 or so when I'm writing this letter) so I can get a letter from you 3-4 weeks ago. It's ok if you can't. I know you are busy with the ninios/work/house/everything else. So it's ok if you can only send 1 letter every week or 2.

Hey, guess what! Since I have learned my lesson last time, they worked me out as a castigo, now I'm having more time to study. I'm taking a test in a couple of days. I'm hoping for an "A". It's computer based and multiple choice, so...wish me luck.

The training itself or instruction are all day long.We are always doing something. We sleep for 7-8 hours a day and the rest of the time either cleaning the room or learning about the Navy and blah blah blah. It's easy stuff, but it's time consuming and it's about 12-16 hours/day. But it's okay. The food is decent. I made a few new friends and I'm being paid to let people yell and to do stuff that is not really hard. But, it takes time to get used to it. Like talking. "There's no talking"...PERIOD.

You can talk, but only if you have a question or if you are marching or cadance. Anyways. I need to get back to study. I have a test. I love you...mua

When I mentioned to you that I'm willing to pay your trip to Chicago on my other letter, I meant from the account that I use for business. You know, the "truck money".

You probably need insurance cards, you can tell the recruiter office to find out details about when you will get your health insurance cards.

If you have questions, you can always ask me anything and yes, you can send me pictures, just not too many, cause I don't have too much room in my li'l locker on my bed.

I loved your letter. I love your goals and thank you for telling me about the ninios. I hope you guys have fun.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Letter 4

Lisiiiieeeee! Lucy, Isra!

Hey, someone told me that the military was hard and that the only time that he has cried as an adult was when he was in the military.

Boot camp is hard and hectic. I got in trouble with the petty officer or chief.

He made me do exercises in front of everybody. It was very humiliating. He asked me my age and I said it: "32" you know, and he started saying I should be an example and whatnot. But, hey, long story short, he saw me smiling about something I thought was funny and drilled me hard with 2 other kids that were laughing at the same thing while we were in a sitting position for instruction.

Anyhow...I learned my lesson. I don't talk. I don't laugh. "When they are around". I really want to graduate with the group, you know? The punishment for people that don't obey orders here is a 3-week setback. And I don't want that to happen.

So on the same note: Graduation is on Nov 5th. I think family members are coming, you know, to see their loved ones. But for us, that we have little kids, it's different. It's more money. This is what I want or think, but you are always invited to participate in telling me what you want or think.

You know how life was kind of getting the same day after day. Well, now it is different. I really miss you and I would give my money to see you. But I want to see you when we can stay together for at least a couple of nights, you know. So I'm gonna find out if we can hang out and go to a hotel or something between graduation and "A" school. I don't know many things about transition, I just know that I want to graduate and move on with our life. So I don't blame you if you come, I just don't want to mess this boot camp up and make you sad.

I'm doing great now: I don't talk or smile, just focus and study until grad day. So, knowing all these details, it's your call to get tickets and prepare things so we can have a weekend from Friday evening until Sunday evening the 5th until the 7th.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your letter. It made my day. Heck, it's gonna make my week. It's really helpful to hear from you.

Have you talked to my family lately? How's your family doing? Are our kids pretty happy or are they making your life hard?

Always remember that I love you. And I miss you more than ever.


Letter 3

Hi Sweetie.

I'm having a li'l chat with some of the recruits I have met here at BC. Their names are Maxwell, Donahue, Zolac and my bunkmate that just got promoted to Yoman, which is kind of a clerk. They are cool. We help each other out and release our giggles once in a while. My favorite guy to chat with is Medeb. He's 33 years old. We always have good conversations. He's Muslim, but he's afraid of tell people about he's religion because "they", you know the "people" can just judge him or something. I like him. He's a nice guy. Has a wife that served in the army for some years, but now he decided to do it. He's regretting it a little because this is kinda hard to get. I mean to understand and to apply when you need it. Because is very stressing learning environment. We are all learning how to work as a team but we, in reality are individuals with individual minds and that is so hard to change. We are 86 recruits in this division. Division is just a group of recruits that sleep in a dorm, so we have 86 bunks in our large room and we all take a shower in 7-10 minutes. 44 go in first and the rest also get 7-10 min. So there's a bunch of guys trying to take a shower at the same time. It's chaotic, but again I guess this is the real military life.

Love you. Write to me soon. Send me a couple pics of you with the ninios.

Don't send them too big because they get to see 'em before. Just a quick look to make sure it is appropriate to keep, you know.

Anyhueis, muchos besos. I guess we are getting to call our families next week or so.

In the meantime, just letters I guess.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Letter 2

Hi, Lisy


I got in trouble (yep, oops.) We all got punished for that... I hadn't really heard an assigned or "division leader individual" who said something to me. So, he went and talked to the recruit trainers and the recruit trainers made us do exercises for about an hour in our dorm. (It was bad). Anyways, we survived it, but we are getting constantly hammered with exercise and screaming.

Anyhow, you know that I'm just venting. But in all reality, I'm not surprised. I knew it was going to be this way.

I'm still enjoying it. I'm learning a lot of cool things. And I'm getting to know cool people. And in the same way that I saw my parents drinking when I was a kid and chose not to do it, I choose not to swear because it sounds very uneducated.

Anyways, people are getting letters and I'm not. Can you send me a li'l letter please.

Ok. Love you.

PS, Say to my kids that I miss them a lot and I want you and them to know it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Letter 1

Hi, Sweetie,

I love you and miss you a lot. A week ago today we said goodbye... or see you later! I don't remember, but I feels like a long time ago.

Boot camp is not fun at all. We get yelled at all day long. People running this camp have a very limited vocabulary and use curse words all day long.

We sleep 8 hrs a day and 16 hrs of the day we are in training. We got our NWU's today (Navy Work Uniforms). They are cool looking. I just got done with processing week today. Tomorrow is my first day in "training". They go by weeks. I was told that the more difficult part of BC (boot camp) is over, but you know me: That doesn't make it any more relaxing. I feel so much release to be able to write to you. We are not allowed to all. Anywhere. So I can't release my "wiggles". You know how hard it is to be quiet when you are doing something new and want help or want to help others. So no communication except by writing. During the night there's some time to talk when everybody is in bed, but I'd rather go to sleep. Tonight is special. I want to spend a few minutes of my long-awaited and much-needed "sleep time" to let you know that I'm ok. And that I miss my babies' faces. You're lucky to have 'em. Please kiss 'em good night for me and good morning for me when you get 'em out of bed.

Say hi to your parents and your siblings for me if you see my family online tell them that I love 'em, too.


Good night...