Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Letter 5

Dang, I got night security watch so I decided to write something to you really quick. I'm sorry if my last letters don't make too much sense. I wrote them quick, and I don't have time to correct them or clean them, so don't send the wrong message to your little red-head.

Hey, if you want, you can send me a letter every other day so I get letters more often, just write me something small or whatever, we still have a few days (37 or so when I'm writing this letter) so I can get a letter from you 3-4 weeks ago. It's ok if you can't. I know you are busy with the ninios/work/house/everything else. So it's ok if you can only send 1 letter every week or 2.

Hey, guess what! Since I have learned my lesson last time, they worked me out as a castigo, now I'm having more time to study. I'm taking a test in a couple of days. I'm hoping for an "A". It's computer based and multiple choice, so...wish me luck.

The training itself or instruction are all day long.We are always doing something. We sleep for 7-8 hours a day and the rest of the time either cleaning the room or learning about the Navy and blah blah blah. It's easy stuff, but it's time consuming and it's about 12-16 hours/day. But it's okay. The food is decent. I made a few new friends and I'm being paid to let people yell and to do stuff that is not really hard. But, it takes time to get used to it. Like talking. "There's no talking"...PERIOD.

You can talk, but only if you have a question or if you are marching or cadance. Anyways. I need to get back to study. I have a test. I love you...mua

When I mentioned to you that I'm willing to pay your trip to Chicago on my other letter, I meant from the account that I use for business. You know, the "truck money".

You probably need insurance cards, you can tell the recruiter office to find out details about when you will get your health insurance cards.

If you have questions, you can always ask me anything and yes, you can send me pictures, just not too many, cause I don't have too much room in my li'l locker on my bed.

I loved your letter. I love your goals and thank you for telling me about the ninios. I hope you guys have fun.

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