Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Game of Life

My dear wifie

I am so very blessed to have you on my team. Sometimes I think that other families for example David’s family or Steven’s family or rebes family or Reyes’s family have the best team players for a team.

I love my team players so much they are my favorite of them all,Our team is the team that cheer the most even though we don’t know whats going on on the game (the game of life that is), but still we cheer for each other and help each other. I love to see Lucy on my team and Israel and of course mama elisa.

I hope to be a good team player. I want to be cheerful and helpful player.

Sometimes I may seem like our players have different talents that others, but that only adds fun to the game, right (living our lifes) I feel so spoiled, all is good and I want to stay this way.. I wanna say to God thanks every day and night for bringing me from Merida to you in Rexburg and sending sweet Uchy and Isra to us.

I love you guys, I love my players and I love my team, the game sometimes is confusing and unfamiliar even though we play it everyday, but remember God can help us guide us each day as he has done I the past.

I hope I made sense

I Love you

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carta para Reyes

Me parece que Oscar te escribio esta carta antes de que te hablo:
Pues aqui esta:

Hey carnal te cuento que Elena va a abrir su estetica, Rebe me esta pagando el ciber, papa va a cerrar su negocio en diciembre e irse al pueblo. Yo termine satisfactoriamente el entrenamiento basico "hoyito del diablo" y Elisa y el pelon de mi bebesote viajaron aqui a Illinois para visitarme. Elisa estuvo encantada con la graduacion, se "sosprendio!"
Mi bebe esta enorme, le gusta jugar y estar activo todo el dia. No lo puedo besar como a Lucy. El no se deja.
Te agradesco tus cartas. Me dan mucho animo. Aqui estamos saliendo adelante. Elisa esta complacida con su esposo y orgullosa y trabajando duro en la casa, empezando a vender cositas que ya no necesitamos.
Te amo carnalito, y se que vamos a vernos pronto y platicar de nuestras buenas familias que Dios nos ha dado.

Oscar Rubio

Carta Para Mis Papas

Que onda papi y mami. Como estan? Me imagino que estan bien ocupados haciendo algo productivo. Pues fijense que en 3 dias mas termino el entrenamiento y me voy a la escuela naval por 5 meses. Ahora no podemos usar telefono celular ni nada. Todo por carta escrita, estos entrenadores militares son bien estrictos. Nos levantamos a media noche a planchar y hacer pulido de botas, pero ya se que va a acabar. Tambien hacemos ejercicio en el dia y como hoy tambien en la noche. En fin, no esta mal, estoy quedando mas fuerte para cargar a mis viejas y a mi enanito. Que creen? Elisa y tun-tun me van a venir a visitar el viernes por unos dias. Se van el Domingo. Yo me quedo pero cuando acabe la escuela esa de capacitacion ya Elisa y los ninios se van a venir a vivir conmigo. Me pagan bien y hay beneficios. Me pagan como $10,000 pesos a la quincena y dan seguro, uniformes renta de casa y un poco para despensa. Esta bien, ahora lo quiero hacer solo por 4 anios. Pero si nos gusta, a mi familia y a mi, nos quedamos un rato mas, si no ya nos despedimos y busco trabajo mas centrado en los ninios. Ahora los ninios estan chicos y cuando esten mas grandes van a necesitar mas de los dos papas. Chiquilin solo en comer piensa y Lucy se la pasa con sus angeles.
La que medio se las ve duras es Elisa pero como tiene a su familia cerca, pues la ayudan ahora bastante.
Fijense que no he dejado de ir a la iglesia. Es bella la iglesia. Me da paz ir y estar alla. Elisa me apoya y estamos mas unidos ahora.
Les quiero mucho mis viejitos. Cuidense y escribanme saludos a Soco, Ele, Reyes, Rebe. Dios les de salud y sonrisas. Les mando fotos apenas pueda. Adios.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mi Amor Elisita

Hey, honey. I'm about 8 days to graduation! I'm very tired, though. These last days I've been super busy. I hope you are getting your rest lately. I want to tell you that I did pretty good on my last inspection. Unfortunately, most people in my division, well, like 15 out of the 85 did pretty badly. Chief is mad at us today.

Anyways, I have final PFA tomorrow, that's running/push ups/sit ups test. I'm excited to run tomorrow. I have test 3 on Monday. That's gonna be a hard one. I'm hoping I can get a good grade. I've been studying whenever I can. If everything is good, we will see you at graduation. I'm praying so that can happen.

I love your letter about things you miss about us. It was fun to read. I love Lucy's letter. She's so sweet. She thinks she has a boyfriend. Boys at her age don't like girls. Girls have "cooties".

I will try to reply to my brother's letter whenever I can. For now, I'm kinda busy, but I'm enjoying my family's letters, too. And your family's letters (Nana, Nate).

It seems like you lost a lot of weight. Is that right? I'm guessing from your letters that said that you work out and count calories. I hope I can recognize you when I see you (don't get too boney ;).

Sometimes I open my drawer and take a look at the picture where you and Lucy and Isra are reading a book. And I talk to you guys. It makes me happy. I really hope you are not too sad. I hope you know that I love you and want to be with you and the ninios forever, OK!

See ya next phone call. I think it will be next week. Before graduation. Don't know when though.

Love you, Mua

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letter 15

Happy Halloween, Kiddos and Momma!

You said it's pretty short.

I'm proud that you are taking care of business in our little house. You're such a business woman, selling stuff. You can sell my snowboard if you want. I'll talk to you about that on the phone. I think I'm calling you sometime next week.

The weather here is kind of nice, feels like fall. Today was bad though, WIIIINDY. Strong wind, cloudy and rainy. Sucked. I'm hoping it will shine for graduation, when you get here bring a jacket or something. You'll probably need it. Get also cozy for lil-boy :)

Hey, I'm kind of jealous about Isra's treats. He's lucky to have a momma that feeds him so well. Is he allowed to share his treats with Daddy?

I'm very happy to hear from you. Even though letters take a while to get to me and from me to you. It's fun and very helpful. You're dead on the dates your letters get to me.

I'm very sorry that Lucy's having a rough time on weekends. I miss her a lot. She's an angel. She knew that her time on earth would be hard and still, she did it. I want to be good so I can be with her during the eternity.

Hey, about moving to Chicago: I'm giving you information as I get it. Actually moving to Chicago requires you to file a form, get approved so the Navy pays for the move, etc. Boot camp keeps you in the dark a lot. They aren't helpful at all. They are just trainers. I was told that when I got to A school, I'll be assigned a case manager, a career counselor and be given more help than here at boot camp. So ?'s related to becoming an officer or Navy paying for the move, etc. have to wait until I get to A school. Officially as a sailor. Now, I'm a recruit and they like to keep us in the dark, so we can focus on the basics.

Don't worry about looking for a job here. It's complicated to leave everything.

So far, I'm studying and getting ready for test 3. I'm going to church and getting a blessing so I can finish strong. My last week at boot camp is coming up. I'm really getting sleepy during the day. Seems like working 16 hours/day and sleeping 7-8 hours. It's taking it's toll on my body.

I'm so happy when I get things done and when I pass my milestones. For example, tomorrow I have confidence chamber, firefighting. This week and on Monday, test 3 (the final one). On Friday, in 3 days, I have final physical assessment.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The pressure is on. I'm studying hard. I know God will help me.

I love you. I can't wait to talk to you on the phone. Take care.

Things are loosening up a little here at boot camp. They "broke us" and now they are trying to "build us". They are dumb, but I am getting out of here and getting into the REAL Navy.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Carta para Reyes

Aqui te mando otra respuesta a tus cartas. Oscar solo ha respondido a los que le han escrito mas de una vez:

Que onda carnal? Pos la cosa aqui ta dura. Mucha presion mental, emocional y fisica. Pero le seguimos dando. Es posible que un Mexicano se gradue en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos? Yo digo que si. A veces se me sale lo jugueton aqui y aqui no es buen lugar para eso. Si te ven riendo o pendejiando o no poniendo atencion se castiga haciendo ejercicio. Asi que mejor me porto bien ya como en 2 semanas me graduo, va a ser glorioso salir de este lugar. Gracias por contarme de tus ninios. Me hizo reir tu carta. Son bellos los ninios y gracias por el consejo que me diste y por ser un buen ejemplo para mi. Siempre lo has sido. Cuidate nene cuida a tu esposa y a los ninios, no dejes que nadie les robe su inocencia tan preciada.
Aquie estamos para lo que necesites Elisa y yo.

Te quiero mucho,


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Letter 14

Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you,

Hey, Sweetie.

I was reading letters that I got from you. Thanks for letting me know about the ninios and even translating for them. So you know, there's no problem for me getting letters from you or anybody else. Letters are approved and nobody checks their contents but me, except pictures and packages. They want to make sure there's not nudity on them.

What else: We have 2 busy weeks coming ahead for us. Firefighting, battle stations, test 3, more marching to do and getting ready for graduation. Uniform issue and fittings.

Oh. I love your pictures, the family ones. The ones I've never seen before, reading books, just normal life.

I love those.

Nana wrote me a nice letter and Nate did, too. I replied to them so they should be getting letters too. I'm sorry about the grammar. I write fast and usually don't double check for errors. My parents' letters helped me a lot. I'm working hard. There's bigger and better things after boot camp, so I want to get out o' here ASAP. I realize something: The running I did prior to boot camp was so helpful. Some people are or will be held bak because they can't pass their running in the allotted time.

I'm happy that lil-boy wrote me a letter. Seems like he's enjoying life and getting in a lot of trouble with wires and other non-edible stuff that he wants to try. I'm looking at his picture. He's such an alert and busy boy. My Lucy is so cuddly. She's so white, too, and tall, just like Nana.

Seems like it's gonna be a while before I get to wear "civilian clothes". So don't bring anything. I'll pay for the shipping when I need it. For now, just plan on bringing contact lenses, contact solution, camera, so we can have pictures of us here.

I love you, Sweetie. I brought Johnson to church again this week. He likes church. I'm reading my scriptures and the final 2 weeks here seem to be more preparatory than training. So things are more "liveable" now. The only thing is that I'm tired all the time. Body, mind, spirit. But God has helped me and will help me to finish strong. I miss my babies. Tell the lil-boy and Lucy that I miss them and that I love them, ok?

Have a great week. Your hubby,
