Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mi Amor Elisita

Hey, honey. I'm about 8 days to graduation! I'm very tired, though. These last days I've been super busy. I hope you are getting your rest lately. I want to tell you that I did pretty good on my last inspection. Unfortunately, most people in my division, well, like 15 out of the 85 did pretty badly. Chief is mad at us today.

Anyways, I have final PFA tomorrow, that's running/push ups/sit ups test. I'm excited to run tomorrow. I have test 3 on Monday. That's gonna be a hard one. I'm hoping I can get a good grade. I've been studying whenever I can. If everything is good, we will see you at graduation. I'm praying so that can happen.

I love your letter about things you miss about us. It was fun to read. I love Lucy's letter. She's so sweet. She thinks she has a boyfriend. Boys at her age don't like girls. Girls have "cooties".

I will try to reply to my brother's letter whenever I can. For now, I'm kinda busy, but I'm enjoying my family's letters, too. And your family's letters (Nana, Nate).

It seems like you lost a lot of weight. Is that right? I'm guessing from your letters that said that you work out and count calories. I hope I can recognize you when I see you (don't get too boney ;).

Sometimes I open my drawer and take a look at the picture where you and Lucy and Isra are reading a book. And I talk to you guys. It makes me happy. I really hope you are not too sad. I hope you know that I love you and want to be with you and the ninios forever, OK!

See ya next phone call. I think it will be next week. Before graduation. Don't know when though.

Love you, Mua

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letter 15

Happy Halloween, Kiddos and Momma!

You said it's pretty short.

I'm proud that you are taking care of business in our little house. You're such a business woman, selling stuff. You can sell my snowboard if you want. I'll talk to you about that on the phone. I think I'm calling you sometime next week.

The weather here is kind of nice, feels like fall. Today was bad though, WIIIINDY. Strong wind, cloudy and rainy. Sucked. I'm hoping it will shine for graduation, when you get here bring a jacket or something. You'll probably need it. Get also cozy for lil-boy :)

Hey, I'm kind of jealous about Isra's treats. He's lucky to have a momma that feeds him so well. Is he allowed to share his treats with Daddy?

I'm very happy to hear from you. Even though letters take a while to get to me and from me to you. It's fun and very helpful. You're dead on the dates your letters get to me.

I'm very sorry that Lucy's having a rough time on weekends. I miss her a lot. She's an angel. She knew that her time on earth would be hard and still, she did it. I want to be good so I can be with her during the eternity.

Hey, about moving to Chicago: I'm giving you information as I get it. Actually moving to Chicago requires you to file a form, get approved so the Navy pays for the move, etc. Boot camp keeps you in the dark a lot. They aren't helpful at all. They are just trainers. I was told that when I got to A school, I'll be assigned a case manager, a career counselor and be given more help than here at boot camp. So ?'s related to becoming an officer or Navy paying for the move, etc. have to wait until I get to A school. Officially as a sailor. Now, I'm a recruit and they like to keep us in the dark, so we can focus on the basics.

Don't worry about looking for a job here. It's complicated to leave everything.

So far, I'm studying and getting ready for test 3. I'm going to church and getting a blessing so I can finish strong. My last week at boot camp is coming up. I'm really getting sleepy during the day. Seems like working 16 hours/day and sleeping 7-8 hours. It's taking it's toll on my body.

I'm so happy when I get things done and when I pass my milestones. For example, tomorrow I have confidence chamber, firefighting. This week and on Monday, test 3 (the final one). On Friday, in 3 days, I have final physical assessment.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The pressure is on. I'm studying hard. I know God will help me.

I love you. I can't wait to talk to you on the phone. Take care.

Things are loosening up a little here at boot camp. They "broke us" and now they are trying to "build us". They are dumb, but I am getting out of here and getting into the REAL Navy.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Carta para Reyes

Aqui te mando otra respuesta a tus cartas. Oscar solo ha respondido a los que le han escrito mas de una vez:

Que onda carnal? Pos la cosa aqui ta dura. Mucha presion mental, emocional y fisica. Pero le seguimos dando. Es posible que un Mexicano se gradue en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos? Yo digo que si. A veces se me sale lo jugueton aqui y aqui no es buen lugar para eso. Si te ven riendo o pendejiando o no poniendo atencion se castiga haciendo ejercicio. Asi que mejor me porto bien ya como en 2 semanas me graduo, va a ser glorioso salir de este lugar. Gracias por contarme de tus ninios. Me hizo reir tu carta. Son bellos los ninios y gracias por el consejo que me diste y por ser un buen ejemplo para mi. Siempre lo has sido. Cuidate nene cuida a tu esposa y a los ninios, no dejes que nadie les robe su inocencia tan preciada.
Aquie estamos para lo que necesites Elisa y yo.

Te quiero mucho,


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Letter 14

Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you, Love you,

Hey, Sweetie.

I was reading letters that I got from you. Thanks for letting me know about the ninios and even translating for them. So you know, there's no problem for me getting letters from you or anybody else. Letters are approved and nobody checks their contents but me, except pictures and packages. They want to make sure there's not nudity on them.

What else: We have 2 busy weeks coming ahead for us. Firefighting, battle stations, test 3, more marching to do and getting ready for graduation. Uniform issue and fittings.

Oh. I love your pictures, the family ones. The ones I've never seen before, reading books, just normal life.

I love those.

Nana wrote me a nice letter and Nate did, too. I replied to them so they should be getting letters too. I'm sorry about the grammar. I write fast and usually don't double check for errors. My parents' letters helped me a lot. I'm working hard. There's bigger and better things after boot camp, so I want to get out o' here ASAP. I realize something: The running I did prior to boot camp was so helpful. Some people are or will be held bak because they can't pass their running in the allotted time.

I'm happy that lil-boy wrote me a letter. Seems like he's enjoying life and getting in a lot of trouble with wires and other non-edible stuff that he wants to try. I'm looking at his picture. He's such an alert and busy boy. My Lucy is so cuddly. She's so white, too, and tall, just like Nana.

Seems like it's gonna be a while before I get to wear "civilian clothes". So don't bring anything. I'll pay for the shipping when I need it. For now, just plan on bringing contact lenses, contact solution, camera, so we can have pictures of us here.

I love you, Sweetie. I brought Johnson to church again this week. He likes church. I'm reading my scriptures and the final 2 weeks here seem to be more preparatory than training. So things are more "liveable" now. The only thing is that I'm tired all the time. Body, mind, spirit. But God has helped me and will help me to finish strong. I miss my babies. Tell the lil-boy and Lucy that I miss them and that I love them, ok?

Have a great week. Your hubby,


Friday, October 22, 2010

Carta Para Soco

Gracias por tu carta. Me da gusto que no te olvidas de mi. Que bueno que mama esta bien y que papa esta chambiando en su negocio. Te quiero mucho, flaquita. Aqui estamos todos saliendo adelante. Este nuevo trabajo paga bien y tiene buena aseguranza, me reparon mis dientes, me curaron de una infeccion de la garganta gratis. Y Elisa y los ninios tambien califican por la aseguranza. El militar es duro, serio pero me gusta. Yo te aviso si hay alguna noticia mas. Saludos a tu familia, Soco.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter 13

Yep, I got your letters including #9, Reyes, Mama, Papa, Elena (she sounded worried about me) What did you tell her?

Answer to ?'s
I'm sending a package with the original paperwork. As soon as possible, maybe tomorrow or on Friday.
I can't keep anything at boot camp except letters, which by the way are very helpful and fun to read. It took me 2 days to read them. That was sooo cool.
Hey, don't worry my family with our issues. They have enough to worry about, I guess.

For now, don't plan on bringing anything to me. You mentioned clothing and stuff. First of all, it's not allowed to have it here, but on Sunday I'll check if I can have a brother or sister from the branch to keep it at their place if possible. I'm pretty sure we'll get another phone call before I finish with BC. I just hope we get across our messages over letters so we just talk about fun stuff over the phone.

Hey, BC is relaxing a lot. We took test "2" today. I passed it. I don't know my score yet, but I did pass. I just have to keep taking classes for next test. And keep on trucking: following instructions, being quiet, silent most of the time, keep on working out with the group, lose weight and keep it down so I don't get put in the diet programs or not being able to advance more in the navy due to chunkiness.

We're not getting yelled at as much or IT (intense trained) lately. That's good news. We are busy doing activities and getting ready for graduation (marching, uniforms, issue, uniform fittings, uniform stow 'n' fold classes 'n' more.

I also got my orders today to move to "A" school for the medical/dental program when I'm done here. So that's motivating, right? It's kind of the end of the tunnel.

I'm still paying, reading, scriptures 'n' such. I'm not lowering my standards every. God is kind enough to hear me when I need Him the most and I'm supposed to be kind enough to pray hard when I don't feel like I'm desperate for his help.

Thanks, baby, for all your hard work in the house, take it easy. I'm proud of you, know it.

I'm excited for the future with you and the ninios. I'm doing my best here so we can be better off.

Say hi to your family and my family when you have a chance.

Love you kids, love you, honey

See ya soon.

Letter to Jordi

Hey, Jordi,
thanks for your letter. Your novio is very lucky to be with you. I really think that you are a special young lady and that you deserve to be happy.

I also know that BYUI is challenging sometimes overwhelming, but it was an experience that I will always treasure. Please, even though school is hard sometimes or most of the time: it is just for a time and then you'll move on with your life. So, enjoy it while you can.

Hey, good luck in Hawaii. Send me pics when you can. How's your relationship with your novio going to work out when you go to Hawaii?

Well, I guess you guys will have a hard time adjusting to being away from each other, but that's ok. [Long distances relationships can] make your relationship stronger *if it is the right kind of relationship in the first place*. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

Thanks again for not forgetting about me.

Hasta luego,

* commentary added by Elisa

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Letter 12

Hi, Sweetie,

How are my babies doing?

Well, tomorrow I have live-fire shooting. I'm kinda excited to fire a gun. We've trained on a kind of laser tag practice shot. And tomorrow is the real deal. Do you know how much we got paid on the 15th? I'm not expecting much due to the uniforms deductions, but every penny we make is better than a kick in the pants, right? I'm standing on night watch. I read 2 chapters on my Trainee Guide for my test, but I got tired of reading and decided to drop you another line. Hey, guess what? 2 news I forgot to mention on my last letter. 1) We marched really good. We're looking good on the street. 2) I saw I guy at church that I met at the recruiting office. His name is Bradford, Benjamin. It was kinda fun seeing him. We had a good time talking about boot camp. He seems to be having a more lenient experience in BC. Because he's in an integrated division (male/female). I guess he got lucky. We are all guys and the RDC's (Recruit Division Commanders) are mean, strict and they suck. Anyways, we may get a penant for marching this week, a flag for marching inspection, and a flag for having good grades on test 2. We didn't flag test 1, but we are hoping we as a division can have high grades for test 2. We now, are walking around with just the sticks, it's pretty bad. We want those flags. I believe we're gonna get them, but again, we didn't get it on test 1. We will see.

Tell Lucy that I miss her. That she is an angel and that she is super, duper cute. Give her a hug and a kiss. Ok, 10 hugs and a big kiss and a small kiss. Tell the lil-boy that I love him 100 million times, and that he has a sweet smile. Give him also 10 hugs. Xx. (Big kiss, small kiss).

I'm happy to have you guys, you're awesome.

Daddy loves you all. Oh, yeah, for you:

XxOo times 10, ok?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Letter 11

Yay! Seems like last week never happened. It came and went sooo fast. I went to church today, bore my testimony and I brought a friend with me to church. His name is Leander Johnson.

He's an 18 year-old kid that I'm always trying to help as much as I can. He helps me, too. He's a good marcher, so I ask for help or pointers about marching when I need it.

Last week I was just studying in my rack, when he came to me and asked me "What religion are you and why?" and "Why did you join your church?" Perfect opportunity to share the gospel, right? Well, I did. We talked very briefly about it, then I asked him if he would like to be my guest at church on Sunday. He said "yes"! We went to church. The service was excellent. He mostly took a cat nap during priesthood. The class was very good. Then the sacrament talker put everyone to sleep. We had testimony time, and I shared my testimony so my friend can know how comfortable I am at church.

Now I just have to hurry up and do things that everyone was doing, while I was at church. That is: iron my uniforms, shine my boots, twick and pick my rack (bed) and write letters before the letters go out.

I received my brother's letter. I'm glad he's doing great. I've also got your letter about boot camp. I did firing a gun/shotgun practice. Now I have test 2 on Tuesday and drill inspection on Wednesday. So next week we will be busy, too. I'm almost done reading Brother Uchtdorf's talk. Thank you for your hard work at home. Have somebody take pictures of you with the babies and send them to me. You know, just the normal size pics. I'll love to see you guys in the picture.

Well, I'm sending a letter for my brother, just type it and send it to him on email, ok? Love you. Love you.

Oscar Rubio

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Letter 10

Hello, Sweetie,

I received a letter from the Church headquarters. I want you to read it. And you can make a copy to save it for when you need direct words from the apostles to you, OK.

We did great today. We did running/pushups/sit-ups and most of my division passed. Only like 4-5 didn't pass out of 84 people, so we won a flag. So now when we march outside, we're going to carry that flag. I also passed my 2nd personnel inspection/uniform. And I also passed my weapon demonstration. I'm studying for test 2 as we speak. I hope I can get at least a 4.0 or 4.5 (the highest score is a 5.0). Letter 5 asked me if I needed something. Well, I could use stamps. I have 7 left. So send me those forever ones. I think they cost $8 for like 20. So we can communicate.

Geez! You are doing a lot of work around the house. I hope you are not lifting heavy stuff. I don't want you to get hurt. DID YOU GET YOUR ID CARDS TO USE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE? I'm excited that you got tickets to come to graduation. You'll like it. Ademas, we can spend the daytime together. At night, I have to be back at the barracks. It's just rules that I have, cause I'm a recruit while in boot camp. We're gonna be fine. We live with what we can get and enjoy it, right?

I love your comments about the ninios. They make me smile. My boy is doing great, seems like. And Lucy is such an angel from Heaven. She knows better than anybody that she's loved.

I'm glad you talked to your supervisor. And thank her. She's been great to all of us. We will miss her.

I love you Lisie. Take care. Send me a few pics, like recent ones, ok?


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Letter 9

One of the few days that I have the chance to write to you with the lights on. I usually write to you with a red light that makes me kind of tired because they're the "go to sleep" lights.

Today "they" let us write letters. I'm using this chance to let you know that I'm ok. I hope you are better than ok. I'm taking medication for a throat infection and for a positive tuberculosis test. The Doc's started me on a 3 months meds for tuberculosis. You probably remember that I tested positive for TB when I was at the ELC in Provo. They did an x-ray and saw that I was clean and that was it. Here they did the X-ray, I was ok, but they are doing the meds just in case I get it or develop it in the future. Whatever, I'm taking them because they were free.

The doc's here are kind of serious, but they have a lot of resources available. I hope you find them useful for Lucy's needs.

Oh! I love you. Basic training is moving quick, but I'm picking as much as I can up as quick as I can. Believe me, I have seen the hand of God on a daily basis here. For example, today I thought we were gonna get "bit" (intense trained) cause some people were talking in the "chow line" (dining room). A chief from another division shut them up while they were talking and that usually gets back to the officers on my compartments ears, and that's when hell breaks loose. And we exercise. But, fortunately, I'm writing letters instead of sweating the floor. That's great for a change.

I hope you are getting my letters. I couldn't go to church last Sunday, I was put on rest for a couple of days for the throat problem. But I'm all good now. This coming Sunday I'm looking forward to going. Did I tell you that I got a blessing from the brothers at church? It lifted my spirit and gave me the needed strength. I am always tired, you know. We do stuff all day for 16 hours. When it's time to go to bed, I smile and relax. Somtimes I just let my body go into a coma for 6-7 hours until it is time to do everything all over again. I'd rather be doing things though. The day goes faster that way. When I was put in bed, I was like I'm in a cage.

Thanks for keeping me posted about the ninios. Lucy is such a precious little 5-year-old. And my boy is sweet. He's smiley and happy to be alive. The kids are happy that you are their Momma. Thanks for taking care of them. Thanks for talking to my parents and touching base with them. I know that things don't change much at my parent's house, but calling them means a lot to them. They worry about all of us.

Hope you are having a great time.

Love you

Hey, about your ?'s. I don't have "liberty" all day and night. Only day. So we cannot plan anything, but staying around the Chicago area. You'll have to drop me off at night around 9ish PM and pick me up early in the morning.

Maybe we can have bigger plans for Christmas or a later date.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Letter 8

Hi Honey,

I've gotten a letter from your Mom and Nate. I'm trying to answer as quick as possible, but I'm studying for my test and it's kinda hard. Yep studying for test 2. There are 3 tests total. I guess I will be 2/3 done when I take it. Yay!

Guess what! A lot of people are getting on the black list, you know, "troublemakers". They aren't really troublemakers, just not adjusting quick enough to the demanding life of boot camp.

We are moving along in this processing time and adjusting time. In fact, today I signed or secured my job as an HMDA corpsman dental assistant job. A lot of kids are getting or got that job. It's not only to be a dentist assistant though. I'm going to be trained on the healthcare field and on top of that 6 weeks of the dental training, so that makes 14 weeks + 6-7 weeks, so that's 20-21 weeks in training. So that could change things a little. I think the Navy helps us with money to move you here.

But, I need to file paperwork. Let me know if you think you wanna move here for that long. Unfortunately, I don't get to know the details of that until I get to "A" school in November.

I enjoyed our chat on the phone. I hope I let you talk. I admire you and take it easy please. Your mom wrote to me and told me that you are working hard in the house and at the hospital. So please take it easy and have enjoyment too, ok!

I love you. I want you to know it. I'm here but I'm yours and I'll always be. This is just a way to become a better family and can only unite us more and more.

See ya in the next letter,


Friday, October 1, 2010

Letter 7

Answer to your letter ?'s

I DO WANT YOU to come to my grad from boot camp. These have been long days. To be exact: 16 hour days, 7 days a week, so, yeah...come to my graduation. We are gonna look great in our black uniforms marching. And yeah, bring the little boy. Lucy probably is gonna have to stay. She's kind of fragile and I don't think you can handle both.

2. Yeah, Emily loves TV. So when she's in charge of babysitting, don't turn on the TV.

3. About putting everything in boxes. It's great and smart and a lot of work. I can't imagine you doing all that by yourself. I'm sorry you have to do all that. But, I admire you. You work like a slave.

4. Church, family, and friends.

Church news are great. Sister Pardo's brother got baptized...That's great news! Sister had another baby? That's too much. I'm happy that presidente Raymond is back home. I bet we all miss his direction.

I'm following your advice. I read my scriptures more often--I need it! And it helps me to overcome being away from the ones I love. It brings me peace.

I also went to church today and the president of this branch gave me a blessing and we listened to general conference, where the President Uchtdorf talked about trees and planes. It was incredible. A good 2 hours of peace here at boot camp.

Thank you for writing to me. I appreciate it and I love you and my ninios. Tell 'em that daddy is ok and that I'm being trained to serve the country.


PS. I got the pictures, they are adorable. And yes, the letter smelled good.